Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Week 3

I have Internet again this week! Let’s not all get used to this though! (Harder said than done, I suppose.)  Otherwise there is not much to update on.

The Babies

As much as I did not want to get attached to them, they have stolen my heart. You just cannot help it when you look into their big brown eyes that plead love me. There is a fine line here with the aunties between loving and spoiling the babies. It is hard. These kids just want to be held but you cannot hold them all so they each only get a few minutes. If they are held too long they just cry when you put them down. One thing that I have noticed is that when they are held they sit very still. They don’t move around or try to get down they just sit there and take in the feeling of being close to someone.

A Few Facts

Here are a few more things that I have learned about Door of Hope since arriving. Door of Hope is known for the baby bin but this is how only about 12% of the babies arrive here. Most are brought by police when they are found or the hospital calls that a mother abandoned her baby. About 4 babies are brought in every month. Once a baby is here and if family for the baby is known, the family has 60 days to decide to keep the baby. Once these 60 days are over the baby is then put on the local adoption list for about 3 months and after that is placed on the international adoption list. Most of the babies are adopted overseas to countries in Europe. There are a few adoptions that are going to be happening at the end of this month. One of them is one of the big babies that I have gotten to help care for the past few weeks! It is so exciting knowing that these babies will have their forever family and just be loved and held. Please continue to pray for the transition or these kids and families and also for more family’s hearts to be moved to adopt.

This and That

- Birthday Shout Outs to Eric and Grandpa this week!
Happy 16th Birthday Eric! Hopefully the roads will be safe by the time I get home. I pray that you will have a great start to a new year of life. Keep being your crazy self. Love you brother more than you know!
 Happy Birthday Grandpa! Sorry that I went some place warm on your birthday and didn’t take you with. I guess I owe you one. Thanks for all of the emails and keeping tabs on everything I am doing and everywhere I am going over here. Miss you.
-       I miss the ease of water at home. The water here is same to drink but contains lots of chemicals. So far I have just bought bottled water and used that. I have saved those bottles and have now started to boil and save the water in the bottles. It can be a lot of work but it is going to be the safe way to consume water around here.
-       I miss clothes dryers. Everything has to be hung on the clotheslines here and it is a lot of work to do in the hot sun.
-       I miss the dishwasher. Everything has to be washed by hand. 13 baby bottles 3 times a day. 13 baby food bowls and spoons twice a day. All of my food dishes everyday. So many dishes.
-       I have never watched so many movies. Almost every night we will put a movie on. Some movies that we watch we agree never should have been made and others are not so bad. Most of them are movies and I would never watch anywhere else.
-       There is a chance that I will drive while I am here. Right now we have one car between 7 volunteers. It is stick shift. 2 of the girls live off-site so they use it to get to and from work each day. At the end of November one of them goes home and the other one moves in here. We then will have the car here. I believe that all of us are just going to be splitting the cost for insurance and gas and any other expenses that happen with the car since we will all be using it in some way. I am able to drive with my states drivers license and many are telling me that I should learn. I have never driven a stick shift before. I might just learn though because what a great story that would be.
-       Happy Thanksgiving! I hope that you all have a great Thanksgiving remembering all that we have been blessed with. 

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