Sunday, April 14, 2013

Week 23

Week 23

Days Off

The first three days of this week I had off. I still don’t do much on my days off. With Internet at the baby house now I will spend a little bit of time online. I also try and set up skype dates with people at home. I was able to skype with some great friends and family on those days and did some blog reading. I also spent time reading and just doing nothing while itunes played. When the toddlers were outside I went to visit with them for a little while because they are just too darn cute not to. Also Toddler K just yells my name when he sees me walk past the window and I can’t say no. I have also started to go through my pictures and put them in different folders to print off right when I get home. This has been really overwhelming to say the least! I have so many pictures and love so many of them. Needless to say when you see me I will have loads of pictures on me to show off of my kiddos. Lazy days off are the best!

Small Babies

This week I spent the week working in small babies. Right now small babies is a pretty easy schedule. Babies are either fed every three hours or every four hours. Right now all of the babies are on the four-hour schedule except for my baby M, he is a three-hour baby. This makes for a pretty easy day with most of it spent by the babies sleeping. There can be lots of down time but when they are up, everyone is up. It has been funny because when I have been skyping with friends I say how easy it is to take care of 10 newborn to 4 month olds. Wonder if this will ever come back to bite me in the butt one day! One of the small babies was born without an anus (an opening for his poo to come out of). He has had surgery to form an anus that exits near his stomach right now and to form an anus in the proper spot. Soon all of that will be joined together and he will be a normal baby with a normal bum! For right now all of his poo collects in a bag off of his stomach. This week one of the aunties taught me how to clean and change his bag. I am practically a nurse after this lesson! The day after my poo bag lesson I got my first chance to clean the bag. Baby L is a great baby and for that I am thankful, there are some not so pleasant parts of this whole procedure for him but he is a champ and just goes with it. I was successful and he was good to go for the morning! This week I also dressed the babies is some cute outfits for a little photo shot. I thought that this would help our day along and I wanted some nicer photos of these little ones. Needless to say they turned out adorable and many of them will be on my walls at home very soon!

Birthday Parties

This week we celebrated 4 of our big babies 1st birthdays! 4 of them turn one year old this month. One of them, baby A, is going to be adopted soon so we had to have the party at the beginning of the month so he could be part of it. It was a fun celebration of these four little lives. We sang happy birthday and ate some sweet treats. It is always so funny to watch the baby’s reactions when they try cake for the first time. Many of them pull a face but usually end up liking it at least a little bit. We also had the typical party foods of marshmallows and cheese curls and juice. I am really going to miss birthday parties here when I am at home. We can’t wait to see what God has in store for them in this next year.

Two New Volunteers

We got two new volunteers this week. Both of them have been here before. They came together both times. They will be staying for 6 weeks. They are from the England. It will be fun to get to know them the next two weeks.

Family Pictures

On Saturday Cassie and I both had off and decided to take some family pictures. Our family pictures include us and our favorite babies. Cassie and I both dressed up and put the kids in nicer clothes to take pictures. I had my favorite babies S, S and M in my pictures. Cassie had her favorites L, T, S, L and A. We were able to get some really nice pictures of each other and our babies. It was lots of fun and really crazy trying to get so many kids to look at the camera and smile. Most of my favorites are the candid shots that we got during the process. Love having the opportunity to get some nicer pictures with my favorites.

The Countdown!

 I am so excited to say that in two weeks I will be boarding an air-o-plane as the kids here would say! I have LOVED my time here but I am getting pumped to be at home again. I just miss too many people! I have to believe that I will return to Africa one day. Maybe back to South Africa and maybe a different country. (I would like to travel with someone this next time though!) I just don’t feel done with this beautiful continent. The most asked question of what will I be doing when I get home has still to be answered yet. I know that God has it worked out and things will fall into place. For at least the first two weeks I will be trying to readjust to the time change and a different schedule and living in a house without 30 babies. One of the other volunteers, Cassie, is leaving on May 2. It has been great to process going home together. We are roommates and this week we made a sticky note calendar for our countdown. Each night before we go to bed we take another sticky note off the cabinets. It is an exciting time of the day. We really look forward to going to bed because of this and I am ashamed to say that sometimes we find ourselves curled up in bed at 8:00pm. To our defense we always read in bed and never get in bed before 8 because that would just be crazy. Please continue to pray for the rest of my time here and for the transition back in just two short weeks!

Prayer Request
I have mentioned before that one of our babies is in the hospital to have surgery. He is still in the hospital and this will be going on 3 weeks I think. We pray that he gets better fast and is home soon. We miss his smiley face and precious giggle. I pray that he is back before I leave so that I am able to say goodbye to him and get a few more pictures of his sweet face. We miss you S and pray that you get better fast and come home. We love you so much baby!

A Few More Rambling Thoughts

This week as I was getting excited to start packing and get back on that airplane and it felt like time had stopped and I would never be doing either of those activities, I flashed back to my first week here. I spent that week in bed not feeling well (bad combination of jet lag and altitude sickness) and thinking that I was completely nuts that I was going to be here for 6 months. I looked through the 30 or so printed pictures that I brought of friends and family at home and cried. I read every page in the calendar of daily encouragement that so many of you helped to make and cried. I sustained myself on a diet of bread, apples and water and cried. And finally I turned to scripture because that was the only thing left to do. I read through Genesis and Exodus in about 3 days. I cursed the devil and mankind while reading Genesis for causing this world to fall and that I was sitting I a strange bed half way around the world from everyone and everything that I loved. It was during reading Exodus that I realized my life was not so bad. I was only going to be ‘wandering’ for 6 months and not 40 years. I could do this. And I have! This week as time stood still and all I wanted to do was get on that airplane I remembered those same Israelites and the same 40 years they wandered and I also remembered to when I got here. I had 3 weeks left! I had survived 5 months and these people survived 40 years. Surely I can make the next 3 weeks and be just fine. And guess what, we are now at 2 weeks! We are going to make it. This week I also started to reread the same book that I read when I first got here, Redeeming Love. It is an incredible story and one that I recommend. This will be my 3rd or 4th time reading the book. I learn something new each time and I am excited to see what I learn this time through and what I can take home with me from the story. So I am kinda reliving my first few weeks here and I hated those weeks! What a strange thing time can do to us.

Just two weeks now!

P.S. URGENT PRAYER REQUEST- Please be in prayer for one of our small babies. She has not been doing well this week and went downhill fast today (Sunday). Two of the volunteers ended up doing CPR on her while waiting for the ambulance to come. I was not upstairs for any of this but it has been scary to hear about it from them. We don’t know anything else right now. We love you baby D. Get better fast and come home. 

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